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despacho netiure
Joan Farrés
Elena Font Carvajal

Studied Law at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, 2007). Exercising attorney through the Balearic Islands Bar Association since 2008 (Coll. No. 4800). Master in International Business, ESADE. Specialisation in Bankruptcy Law at the University of Deusto. Master in Bankruptcy Law and Corporate Restructuring through the Univeristy of the Balearic Islands. Specialised in Procedural Law and Bankruptcy Law.

Spanish, Catalan, English, German.




Avda. Alejandro Roselló 40, 8º 07002 Palma de Mallorca Tel (34) 97 145 62 22 Fax (34) 97 173 60 69

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